I have been asked how I came to this question and project. It started with a beeswax acorn I received from my friend that came with a card recounting the story of a shephard in Southern France who planted 100,000 acorns. A few days later I was on a mastermind call and we were discussing goals and legacies. I spoke about the little acorn and my now paying attention to the tiny acts and their consequences. Charles Burke of www.BullsEye-Living.com asked me to write something up. I did...
"The package from my friend was lightweight and as I unwrapped it I thought she sent me a mailer filled with tissue paper. But nestled in the center was a small beeswax acorn attached to an oversized business card that summarized the story of “The Man Who Planted Trees” by Jean Giono. It spoke of a quiet shepherd in France who planted more than 100,000 acorns which eventually transformed a barren wilderness back into thriving ecosystem. This happened just out of his love for planting trees. A great work sprouted from his small, persistent and loving deed.
I started remembering other experiences and stories that spoke to the difference simple daily actions make in my life and in the world.
“The Daffodil Principle” was a widely circulated internet story by Jaroldeen Asplund Edward, A remote place becomes transformed every spring as a natural canvas of flowers in bloom. "50,000 bulbs. One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and very little brain. Began in 1958." I don’t know if the story is true but I would love to come up out of the fog and see such a valley before me. I can see it in my mind’s eye. I started my own little daffodil garden along the road in front of our farm.
Then there was the crossing guard in Southern California who always had a smile and a wave that connected with me. I would change my route if I was out driving at that time of day just to pass that corner. She was front page news when she retired. Recently it was the woman who does laundry at the local nursing home who always has a smile and knows everyone by name. I asked her about it one day. She said after she recovered from cancer she was just so glad to be alive. She is giving back.
And one time this year, in Covington KY, I passed a person wearing a large box that covered all of him down to his knees. There were arm holes and eye slits for seeing. “Honk if you are having a good day.” was scrawled on the box. He waved to all passersby. I honked. I didn’t hear any other honks. I have looked for him every time I have since passed that corner and smiled inside. Does he know how his presence affected me that day?
I am left with new questions.
What seeds am I planting?
What seeds do I want to plant?
What plants are actually growing from my seeds?
What needs weeding? Cultivating?
How will I feel at the end of my life when I look upon the garden my
attitude and actions produced?
Am I cultivating what is really important?
How does my garden affect others?
How am I letting others know the effect their action seeds have on me?
This year is not about how much I weigh or how much money I make. This year is about why I love my life so much. This year is about what sprouts out of my love for this day. Today is about letting others know how they have touched my life.
What great work is sprouting from the seeds you are now planting? Does it warm your heart?"
Every year I make a "give away" for clients and friends. This year I designed and assembled "The I Love My Life Activity Bag." Giving the bags was my way of planting acorns. One of these acorns has sprouted into this research project and blog.
And now I invite you to take this same question as your own and observe what happens in your life.
And yes, You can get a "I Love My Life Activity Bag". The cost is $12 postage paid inside the U.S.; $15 overseas. Just e-mail me at skymfr@yahoo.com as this operation is still low-tech. It would be my pleasure to arrange shipment to you.