Blocks to Happiness
Self denigration is the great block to happiness. (Pema Chodron)
No wonder last year was not as successful as I had hoped. My efforts often came up short and I judged myself harshly. That has not been happening with this new approach.
Pema also points out the paradox that when we try to become happier we instead do the very thing that makes us unhappy. Like I have been trying to lose weight. When sticking to a resisted food plans becomes difficult I eat comfort foods that sabotage my efforts at weight lose. I am then feeding the habit to avoid feeling the discomfort of changing my eating patterns. Hmmm Which of my behaviors contribute to my ultimate happiness? What attitude will help me move into and through the discomfort of changing comfort zones?
"A great life is no accident. Take time to design the life you want". (Philip Humbert) What I am going for this year is a feeling state instead of accomplishments. I wonder if accomplishments will be the side effect?
There is one habit I am cultivating this year: SSDN. Sit still, do nothing. (5 Pillars) I decided to start with 5 minutes and add 1 minute a day til I get to 45. Today was 10 minutes. Then I hit my "Easy Button" which says "That was easy"! Makes it more fun.
I'm still searching for songs. My martial arts instructor asked "If you are coming into the ring to fight for the world chamionship, what music is playing with your grand entrance"? Give me a few days on that one.
I spent some time looking back at the incidents of my life that contributed to my conforming to norms and keep me playing things safe and staying invisible. Now I am looking to come into my power and magnificence. I spent time reflecting on moments of success and going for it. This is the river I choose to swim in.
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