The Learning Curve I
Thursday 3PM: Call 1. Questions, OK, I am on board. I don't understand much of it but assume I will.
Thursday 6PM: Call 2. I realize I can't get into the blog site because I didn't redirect my DNS. I redirect and listen to the call. Dead in the water. I can't even attempt action.
Thursday 8PM: Call 3. More of the same.
Friday calls 4 & 5. The behinder I get the more discouraged I become. There are too many different user names and passwords. I can't get any combination to work and ask for yet another password.
Friday call 6: Writing content. This is something I can finally understand.
Sat 4AM: I still can't get into my new blog site. I recheck the DNS redirection and put in a support ticket. So much for catching up in th early morning. I did register for a-weber and a couple of social bookmarking sites. I sent positive posts to other members of my team.
Sat 8:20AM miracles happened and the site became live. I even got an e-mail telling me which user name and password to use. Eureka!
Sat 8:30AM I have a client for the morning.
Sat 11AM Call time. I have my Dashboard open on my blog and a-weber installed and active. I am ready to go. By the end of the call I am in tears and again thinking of quitting.
Sat 1:40 PM I am figuring what is my best course of action:
A. Listen to each tape and follow along until I get it no matter how many times I have to listen.
B. Listen to all 9 tapes in a row and keep listening until I familiarize myself with the material and I get it.
C. Go back and listen to the pre seminar calls in case I missed something basic.
D. Just quit messing with the internet business idea altogether.
E. Throw another temper tantrum and pick one of the above.
Right now, "E" looks good. Anyone have any ice cream bars to help me numb myself?
This is the behind the scenes look at what happens between the high points of realizing I love my life. Maybe I don't like the training before the event very much.
I hate it that I think quiting is an option.
At 4:36 PM,
Max Conner said…
What you're describing is universal experience. I don't know anybody who doesn't go through at least a little (or a lot) of this.
It really is helpful to read the words of someone else who is facing the same frustrations we do in our daily life.
Thanks for sharing... it helps.
Cheers, Charles
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