Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Take III

I am standing in the way of standing in "my way". Hang in her with me. If you have followed my posts from the beginning you are probably wondering at my participation in Power Month in which I report on progress towards my goals everyday. You know how I resist goals in favor of moving in an inspired direction.

Over the course of time 2 threads did emerge in my life that I decided to add intensity to. One was getting my blog out there and the other was developing my gourd work. They arose organically out of loving my life, sit still and do nothing time, and gamzu, thinking this too is for the best. This is "my way". I have become the obstacle to that way.

I felt inspired to join power month. I didn't need to set steps and report on whether I did them or not. All I needed to do was report my progress in my direction and support others. Where along the line did it become about making money on the Internet? Yes, I do want income streams from my work but that was not the core intention. My core intention was about putting myself out there in the world, risking sharing myself with others and if money came as a result of that then great.

A couple of days ago I got a taste of making money from the Internet from the sale of the graphics program. (Which I still love and you can check it out at http://quickwebcreations.com/?e=lifeofhoney). It was exhilarating. My efforts became about making money instead of sharing my gifts. I started exploring affiliate marketing in the proven way instead of sitting still and nothing nothing in my inspired way. So I came to stand in my way in the obstacle sense to my inspired way of doing things.

As my homeopath Doug told me today, I am the most uniquely individual person he knows. I am charting a course to do it "my way". It won't be the proven way that others have developed and are promoting to be successful on the Internet. I don't think it is re-inventing the wheel either. There are many who have lived a rich life by loving it and acting from inspiration based on silence, knowing that the outcome is always for the best. Maybe this is being in the world but not of it.

From this I am remembering how important it is to tell myself the truth. My private practice is lighter than usual right now. This is not about scarcity. This is about parting the waters of my routine to allow creativity to take point for a time. I don't have trouble supporting myself.

I was inspired to do power month. I still am. But I have to do it "my way". This little detour has been enlightening. Maybe that is what the journey is really all about. I see the door to loving my life so much opening for me again. Thank you. I love you.


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