Succeeds Never
To explain, there exists the art and science of homeopathy which identifies an aberration within a person's vital force by observing how the reflection of the imbalance plays out in life. Each observed trait is called a rubric. The rubrics are combined and recombined until a remedy is chosen that fits the essential nature the person is exhibiting.
All this is to say that I had a follow up with my homeopath last month and we were discussing the rubric "succeeds never" in relation to my life path. It was from the perspective of not living up to my potential. While it is true I have had many successes in my life I would also be the first to note I am holding back from my potential. That night I spent repeating the phrase "succeeds never" over and over. I repeated "I love succeeds never because..." until I couldn't even make up any more responses. I did anything I could think of to bring that statement into my conscious reality.
This exercise was not based on a negative self image nor feeding negativity. This was my way of taking responsibility for the thoughts, feelings, judgments and criticisms
that also create my experience. I am reflecting back on the statement, " What you resist persists". I swapped resisting with embracing.
What happened? The next day I had 3 home health referrals equaling 20 visits and 3 additional private clients hours. This was like rain following a drought since I had not had any home health referrals in six weeks.
Since then I recall the words "succeeds never" to mind every time I feel discouraged or overwhelmed. It is like my new "baby blanky". I am not sure why it motivates me or how it removes my perceived barriers but for now it does. My actions are those of a person moving forward with passion. My fear is not now running the show but travels at my side.
Without getting into the psychology of it all, positive thinking alone does not move me forward. I seem to need to embrace the shadow part of myself to harvest the power to behave differently. Maybe my homeopathic remedy is working as in it is bringing patterns to my attention for fresh decisions. In any case,this is why I love my life so much.
At 4:34 PM,
Max Conner said…
This is such good advice, Patricia. Much of what passes for positive thinking isn't really. It usually more closely resembles varnishing over a dirty surface. In other words, denial.
I believe the reason you've found this phrase so effective is this: we can't fix anything we don't own, and the common strategy of denial keeps us from taking ownership of our "problem", whatever it is. As long at it's not ours, we don't have any authority to change anything about it.
Once we readjust our attitude and take responsibility, once we proclaim that it's ours, then it's ours to control. To fix. To adjust and change.
Cheers from sunny Japan,
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