Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Rollercoaster Thrills

For the past month I have been in Sterling Valentine's Power Month. Every member sets a target, works towards it and posts about it every day. In addition we reply and respond to each other's posts so no-one feels that they are tromping through the nether-gloom alone. The process brought me to some genuine self discovery.

I got great feedback on my blog writing, made my first Internet sale, and learned about interacting with others in asking for help, getting help, and giving assistance. I used to have an image of myself as a loner. Even writing this blog is rather insular even though I am sharing my inner questing. I come down from my ivory tower to be present to others in my work but I rarely get "involved".

Early on in the power month I really made it a point to respond to other's posts. I stretched beyond my comfort zone. I even found myself reaching out to others more in my daily life. I was reminded yet again that I am the one who holds back rather than others not "liking" me. My aloofness sends a leave me alone message. Something about that is shifting.

In the second part of the month I hit the wall where I didn't feel like working on my project. Holiday distractions, long client filled work days, and hitting the I don't feel like it wall took its toll. I had to do something because I had agreed to post. So I did. I didn't invest the time to respond to others pasts as I had in the beginning and now, looking back, I think that it was my loss though I still have contact info to follow up on if I choose. It wasn't quite as fun when I became more self-focused.

Holding myself accountable to the group and taking daily action, together with insights from Sterling did create a momentum. I now have 4 prototypes of my gourd work to use in creating my "gourdbatik how to" DVDs. I am setting something up with a production team now. And something more happened. There was 15 hours, 37 minutes of power month remaining when I woke at 4AM with a very clear vision of what I was doing with the project, what steps needed to be done and in what order. That was a rush. I don't think I like adrenalin much but it was a great rush. I got up and made notes.

Later that day, I had a hour between clients and created a flow plan. And another idea revealed itself. I can marry my art and my healing by creating an exercise DVD for artists and crafters. I have the best self treatment techniques to keep fingers nimble and functioning, to relieve carpal tunnel, to get rid of that nagging neck and shoulder tension. Everyone I have spoken to really likes that idea. And those who have seen my gourds want to learn that as well. I am even in discussion to teach a class to a local art guild! (I need to be careful her about choosing my focus and not get scattered. Michael Angier said the next new idea can be the death of my current project.)

All of this in one short month!. There is another Power Month starting next week. You can Google "Power Month" if you are interested. Bring your marbles and get ready to play. The ups and the downs, my roller coaster thrills, are all part of why I love my life so much.


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