A warrior? Me?
So far my most unexpected shift is in seeking out "warrior" models. I am not engaging in warfare of the typical sort. Rather, I seem to be engaged in a battle to come alive. Prior to this I would say I played it safe. I described my life as one lived around the 50 yard line. No adenalin for me if I could help it.
I don't even know how to approach "warrior training". So besides being on a hurt for appropriate songs, I watched movies I would never watch. The terminator movies, V for Vendetta, GI Jane. So if prior mental programing is best modified by intense emotional input then I have been reloading images of women coming into their own strength and power.
Perhaps coming to love my life requires taking a stance to become visible.
I took time to start listing times I went for it so far in my life. I am not so "much afraid" as I had thought. Go girl!
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