Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hypnotic Temptation

Yes, there are many hypnotic copywriters out in the world. Most of them have my e-mail address. There is always some plan better in the next e-book, something that will give me amazing results if only I follow their plan in detail.

I bought yet again. An affliliate marketing letter written by another hypnotic copywriter whose products I genuinely appreciate convinced me. In just over 3 months time I too can accomplish more goals than I ever thought possible. That will no doubt make me happier, won't it? Will it? Another campaign of doing. The material is fine by current motivational standards. Maybe I would get things done that I have let slide. Maybe I would do whatever to help me make more money. Would it make me love my life that much more? I don't know.

More self-help directed by others. What happened to the bubbling up from within?
I came to a couple of days where my results were slower or I did not recognize the doors opening or even dallied when I could have taken speedy effort. Today I actually felt discouraged with my project. All of this makes me ripe for picking by the hypnotic copywriters who have all the answers. What is authentic about the fast track to accomplishment?

My roommate has a real passion for direction arising from within and disdain for all of these self help programs. She has watched me become excited, make effort and crash many times over. I often think she is unsophisticated in the ways of the world. But perhaps she is at peace in a way that I seek.

This whole blog may be yet another self-help work designed to influence you, my reader, to do it my way. Some part of me may be hoping this will be my vehicle to my contribution to life and to riches and heck maybe even fame. Would that enable me to love my life that much more?

Anyway, I have put away the new action plan. I'm sticking with this reasearch and self reflection. I'm continuing to write about my experience with the process. Maybe someone will read this as a type of philosophy that gives them permission to quietly listen for "Why they love their life so much". Another bullet dodged ( or maybe an opportunity delayed).


  • At 7:17 AM, Blogger ms_bee said…

    I hear you regarding hypnotic copy writers. I, too, succumb to their promptings. I like to think I am a 'believer' and that is why I am so easily tempted. I 'believe' in the grand potential of people. I 'believe' people are basically honest and I can trust them...this may be a huge overstatement regarding internet marketing, but there's a picture of this apparently trustworthy person right on their sales page...If they were not telling the truth why would they do that?
    Like you indicated, I struggle between the quest for personal growth and a residual income. Thanks for your insights and for sharing them.


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