I Love You in North Carolina
I came away with 2 main insights. The first came from the simple repetition of the idea that I am either in that pure state as I was when God created me or I am filled with "pooh". Every question that came up, every example cited turned out to be an illustration of "pooh". Over the course of the weekend I really did begin to see how much of my mental processing was in fact "pooh". I make up stories around the tiniest of circumstances to help me feel out of control, guilty, less than....
I assign meanings to words or events that were not intended. I talk myself into overwhelm. Replacing that with "Thank You, I love you", is curios is a useful way.
The second insight is how slippery it is to take 100% responsibility for my life.
I am not talking about guilt or blame. I am speaking of responsibility as in "if it shows up in my life, I am responsible". I have been in the habit of assigning things in my life an independent reality. So when the puppy ran away and got into trouble and came home with a fractured pelvis and needing a tail amputation it was, "The puppy he..." with no inkling of my responsibility in that. Even as I write this, I see the concept is obtuse in my telling of it. But somehow I am getting a sense of it in my insides.
I have long repeated the statement, "There is no one out there but me", to remind myself that somehow this life is my illusion and how I see it, the stories I tell, I determine, even if most of it is unconscious. I guess it has been my way to claim my power. After all if there is an "out there" I am powerless. If my experience arises from within, I have influence.
One of my great epiphanies that I wrote about some time back was when I asked, "What if I did choose my parents before I came in"? Suddenly I no longer felt victimized by them. I became intrigued with why I would choose them. What was in it for me? It was the turning point of my relationship with them. I ceased resistance on that point. Taking responsibility for my all I experience now releases my resistance to life.
So far, Ho'opponopono has cleaned a lot of mental clutter and reduced my resistance to life. This makes it one of the better tools I have discovered in my life. Ho'oponopono has made me love my life so much more. It is good.
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