Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Don't Lie for One Day

Don't lie for one day was one of the points on George Copsey's (www.selfimprovementsite.com) list of 10 tips for self improvement. He was talking about the little white lies we tell so as not to hurt other's feelings or to avoid being reprimanded ourselves. He has a point there. All too often we pretend we don't have a preference when we do or we try to cover over some little thing.

But when I read his point I thought how about if I didn't lie for 10 minutes. I was thinking about how I lie to myself feeling alone when I am actually connected with everyone and everything. How about acting as if I have no power or as if I am all powerful. Or how I think something doesn't exist because I. can't see it with my physical senses. Or thinking this illusion is real.

I am thinking it would be an awesome experience not to lie to myself about anything for even a moment, let alone a minute. That would probably be a timeless moment of illumination. If only I could.

I am smiling at myself even as I write this. It was only 14 months ago when someone was challenging me on lies I tell to myself and to him. Nothing in particular, just that I do lie to myself and therefore to others. I was SOOOO incensed. After all I consider myself to have great integrity. And in a way I do. In another way, I have finally realized that I lie to myself most all of the time. I am writing this blog to expose my lies to myself and to find something true, something that rings true from the core of my being.

So the irony of this point of self improvement is not lost on me. I look forward to the day or even the moment when I totally get the truth. In the meantime I will peel off the layers of lies like the layers of and onion. What, then, will I know?
Probably the biggest reason ever to love my life so much.


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