Raindrops on Roses
I am tempted to instead list my peeves of this day starting with the refrigerator going out yesterday. At 1AM I was out buying ice to keep things cool and shortly thereafter I was stuffing newspaper into the freezer to keep things frozen. The Internet is a wealth of ideas. Now I am waiting for a loaner frig to be delivered since there is no repair person available for a few days. Who knew I could get a loaner frig. That would have to go on my list of favorite things.
All of this goes to illustrate a point. Creating my life requires moment to moment choices or I fall back into some soap opera routine of unpleasant drama. I have learned that repeating the Ho'oponopono cleaning phrases of "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you" don't work so well to balance me if they are said through clenched teeth. I can feel benefit from such a practice when I relax. Just lower my shoulders and take a deep breath.
Actually, there is nothing I can control. The frig will come when it does. The runaway pup will come back or it won't. The temperatures will drop and rain will come when it does. Would any of these things coming to pass make me happier than I can choose to be at this moment already? They could all happen and if I am in a fussing mood, I would miss the pleasure of each one. Look alive and happy, Patricia.
So there! Happiness is an inside job and a choice. If I can't shit my mood by asking why I love my life so much or saying Gamzu then it is time to sit still and do nothing. Maybe I'll stage a little Julie Andrews song and dance around the living room before I begin.
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