A Breath of Rain
But last night came a little rain. Our first in 6 weeks. I was a sigh a relief in my soul. Was it also a sigh a relief for the plants and trees. Or do they just take it all in stride without comment or feeling?
I know that I relate to trees and plants as if they have feelings when I am directly influencing their lives. If I am pulling weeds or harvesting I apologize and thank them. I chat with the plants I put in. I have been generally commizerating with their thirstty plight. I felt dried out and shriveled up myself. If love could help them feel better, I did my part.
What I could observe with my senses was the grasses were brown when I went to bed and green when I went out this morning. I could see where the rain had been generoous and where it had skipped just by the color. I hope those that did not get last night benefit vicariously from those that did, like through some great underground root-net.
I just know it sounded like my team had won the championship around here when we heard the first drops of rain. A breath of rain... is why I love my life so much.
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