Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Color of my Question.

When I speak with someone about the theme question "Why do I love my life so much?", the initial response I get is a list of things for which someone is grateful. I have a question, they have a quick but often superficial response.

I explain I am not looking for an immediate answer but am posing the question as a frame of reference. It's like putting on a pair of colored sun glasses that changes the color pallet of what you see. One time I actually took colored Gels and made inserts for my glasses. I spent the whole day looking through red lenses, another day looking through green and another blue. It not only tinted my view but some colored gels actually reduced everything to shades of greys. My depth perception varied. Different aspects of things drew my attention because I was seeing with modified perception.

Viewing the world through the question of why I love my life so much also draws my attention to different things. I see things I didn't notice before because some part of me is alert and looking for an answer. I may well have forgotten the question by then but some part of me is still looking for an answer.

I don't think that it is so unusual to use a question as a frame of reference, though it may be unusal to pick the question purposefully like when I placed colored gels in my glasses for the experiment of it. More typical questions might be, "Why am I so tired?", "Why am I lonely"?. or "Where does all the money go"?

What question is coloring your view of reality? How would a different question see the same sequence of events? Or would there even be the same sequence of events? Might the question change the present? The Future? Maybe even the past?


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