Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Whine Time!

I have been struggling of late. It seems the momentum of my question has met the limitations of my belief system of self concept. I found myself complaining, becoming agitated and irritable.

I can trace some of the causative factors like eating sugar again which gives me the sugar blues 24-48 hours later. I am leaving tomorrow for my family reunion. It seems family issues bring up a desire for old comfort foods. I am still eating wheat though it makes me feel slow. But even so, these behaviors result from old patterns that still influence my life more than I would perfer. At least I think more than I would perfer.

I have noticed that my whining and associated moods have been controlling me instead of me controlling them. So I am re-instituting structured "Whine Time". This means I am scheduling 3 minutes a day totally devoted to whining. 5:00-5:03 PM. All of these bad feelings now have a specified space and time for expression. when they come up on the day, they just have to wait for their turn. Expression is then wholehearted and when the time is up, I am done with that for the day.

I do observe that what I resist, persists. But I choose to be in change of my feelings instead of them being in charge of me. At least this is the plan. I'll report back.


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