Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hundreds of Heart Rocks...

I see my private clients in a variety of locations. One colleague collects heart shaped rocks. She has hundreds, maybe thousands, of them. They line the house, the driveway, and gather around the tree trunks. She has bowls of them. Some are polished. Most are rough, just the way she found them, well after they have had a bath.

My client came in saying, "I wonder where she finds all these heart rocks"? Actually Holly finds them everywhere. She walks down the smae streets others walk, through the same parks, along the same stream beds. She sees them. Others don't. This is such a good example that we find what we are looking for. Just like asking myself why I love my life so much encourages me to notice and appreciate great, even if tiny, things in my life.

I actually asked Holly about the rocks yesterday. Seems she was having a very hard time in life many years back feeling very alone and lonely. She went out for walks and picked up rocks just because she did. Over time she started noticing that a high percentage of rocks she was pulling out of her pockets were heart shaped. She wondered why that was so. One day the thought came to her that is was mother earth's way of saying that she was loved. She wondered if that was the message and that day found the grandest heart rock of all as confirmation. What a great message!

Heart shaped rocks just find her. She finds and loves them. They do get baths. When she moves she takes some and leaves many gathered together. In a way, gathering heart shaped rocks is like the man who planted acorns. Small purposeful acts that ultimately make a difference.

I hope I always make time to act on the small matters and to know that they make a difference.


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