Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Monday, May 21, 2007

My Exotic Life

I wrote a friend about having a bamboo sale. She wanted to know where I got it and what inspired me to do such a thing. She didn't know I had been growing it for the past 9 years and have sizable groves of 5 types. The timber bamboo is getting to be 2 inches in diameter which is great for this far north. I realizied I do lots of fun and unusual things. I summarized some of it to her:

"Actually I live a pretty exotic life. I live on a farm with llamas and bamboo. Work in a dome I helped build, study homeopathy, do arts and crafts of all varieties and started martial arts training when I was 55. I have a thirst for learning and personal growth and write a great blog reflecting on my life learnings. I make it a priority to walk my talk. How cool is that!"

Sometimes I find myself thinking I am bored. Who am I kidding? The more I pay attention to this moment, and take in as much sensory input as I can, the more I see I am creating a very cool life. And it has generally been on a low budget.

There are times I get swept up in thinking I ought to make lots of money, become famous, or travel first class. I think I would welcome such experiences but they are not my target anymore. I created that photo collage of my life after my dad's death and I am realizing I have always been loved, even when I thought I was alone. And I have participated in experiences others would never consider. I did an Apache style vision quest with 72 hours alone, fasting on a mountain after 6 months prep. I took a seminar in blowing glass. I wondered in the wilderness of unloved and found my way back to my truth of being totally loved.

Why do I love my life so much? I am waking up and living it these days. All I can say is YES! I going to go see how much my timber bamboo has shot up in the last 24 hours. I can almost hear and see it grow. Yesterday it was up 10 more inches. Sometimes I think my growth has been as fast of late.

Actually, there is something interesting about bamboo growth: 80% of it is underground. The visible canes emerge and shoot every spring and grow like crazy for 2 months time. Those canes will never get taller or fatter than they do during that time. They will get stronger and they provide food to the roots which will strengthen and send up new shoots next year that are fatter and taller. My growth is probably a lot like that. Tons of it happens in the invisible arena, fed by my sensory input and actions, and periodically it becomes visible to myself and others around me. Down the road I will harvest the energy that is now going into my roots. I can hardly wait to see the size of my next shoots! WaaahhhWhoooo!


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