Why do I love my life so much?

No more New Year's resolutions for me! This year I picked a theme question to guide and shape my choices. The theme: Why do I love my life so much? I am not seeking answers but rather planting the question as a seed and nuturing it. The research: How does this theme play out in my life and affect those around me? What vibrational impact do I observe? What are my results? Posts build on one another, so best to start with the first one.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Bamboo is Shooting!

I grow bamboo, 5 varieties of bamboo. Bamboo is awesome. It has different growth patterns than most plants in that each shoot does all of its growing in only 60 days. The height and diameter is determined prior to its emergence. The cane gets stronger from one year to the next but not thicker or taller. The source of vitality is in the roots. The stronger and more established the roots, the greater the diameter of the cane and the greater height. I can see the diameter of each cane from the moment it breaks through the earth. It grows fast, sometimes 1-3 feet a day!

Kentucky is a little far north to get really fat timber sized bamboo. But every year so far, the canes get a little broader and taller. So I wait and watch for the shooting to begin to see how fat they will be this year. I then prune out the smaller canes of previous years. The last variety, my timber bamboo, started shooting today!

Bamboo is a case of so below as above. I always know where the roots are heading because of the trail of canes that appear on the surface. I can see the vitality of the root reflected in the size of the shoot. It is a lot like life. The vitality and driving force are invisible. The fruit of the invisble always show up in life. If I want my bamboo to grow in a straight row type hedge I have to "encourage" the roots to grow in certain ways and thwart roots that want to go different way. I have to do the same thing with the stories I tell myself about how thigs are and what they mean.

I have been listenig to an audio program called "Holosync" for some months now. It uses technology to support a variety of brainwave patterns. I have now completed the first level. In proceeding to the next level, I have the option of choosing and recording 5 minutes of affirmations to be imbedded into my next holosync program. I am choosing how to shape and prune the root system of my mind, which will produce the shoots of reality in my life.

Of course I started with my umbrella question, "Why do I love my life so much"? I decided to use all questions instead of statements. I have been writing down ideas for these core questions for months now. I arrived at 22 finalists and submitted the recording yesterday. I am eager to see how I will respond to the next level soundtrack and to my questions approach. Let the bamboo shoot! What will this input shift in my life? I am eager for the shoots to appear!


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